Hi Grant,

The Hadoop-Patch process script is now re-written and should be easier to clone.

http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/lucene/hadoop/nightly/ hudsonBuildHadoopPatch.sh?view=markup


http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/lucene/hadoop/nightly/ processHadoopPatchEmail.sh?revision=575463&view=markup


On Aug 25, 2007, at 5:31 AM, Grant Ingersoll wrote:

Do we want to start thinking about 2.3 release in the next month or so, say by the end of September? I propose this time around, during our freeze cycle, we take a good look at cleaning up JIRA, especially some of the older issues (< LUCENE-400). I am hoping to add a Hudson call similar to what Hadoop does that automatically applies patches to the trunk to see if the tests pass, codestyle is met, etc. If anyone wants to help out with that, I would appreciate it. Ideally, we could build something that is nice and portable so that other Lucene projects can use it (maybe even other ASF projects) It seems like it could be done through some ANT tasks and targets, instead of the current shell way. Mostly, I say that, though, b/c I am not much of a shell scripter and is not a knock against the Hadoop implementation.

We also should do some thinking on what we want to deprecate per our plan to move to JDK 1.5 and Lucene 3.0.



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