OK, I think I found one possibility here.  With ant's junit task, you
can define a custom formatter implementing this interface:


That interface has a method endTestSuite that is invoked once at the
end of all the test cases.  So I can define a customer formatter, and
in this method, I can check with ConcurrentMergeScheduler and if any
unhandled exceptions has occurred, I can throw an exception and the
suite/testcase is marked as failed.  It seems to work.

This is a nice solution in that we don't have to modify every unit
test to do its own checking.  However, it's not really a "normal" use
case because formatters are supposed to just "format" the test result
output.  It also adds a dependence from Lucene's unit test sources to
ant.  But at least it does work ("progress not perfection").

And objections to this approach?  Is there a better approach?


"Michael McCandless" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Chris Hostetter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > : But it'd be nice to do this across the board, ie, for any junit test
> > : if one of CMS's threads (or, threads launched elsewhere) hits an
> > : unhandled exception, fail the testcase that's currently running.
> > : I'll dig and see if there's some central way to do this with junit...
> > 
> > FYI: i did some casual investigation of this and the only thing that 
> > jumped out at me is the static 
> > Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(...) added in 1.5.  for 1.4 
> > there doesn't seem to be a generic way to notice an uncaught exception 
> > from any thread.
> Thanks Hoss.
> Catching the exception is actually not the hard part because I "own"
> all the threads spawned by ConcurrentMergeScheduler.  What's tricky is
> finding a way to force the currently running JUnit testcase or suite
> to fail.  I'm digging through JUnit and ant's JUnitTestRunner sources
> to see if there's some hook somewhere where we could insert a check,
> just before the suite finishes, to assert that no exceptions were hit.
> Or, if I can somehow "look up" the current Test that's running, I
> could add an error to it.
> If there are any JUnit and ant experts out there (I'm not!) please
> chime in!
> Mike
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