Nicolas Lalevée wrote:
And from my point of view as a deep user of the Lucene API, generally I do not
like generic properties settings because it makes the API undocumented. The
java doc around the setter and the getter of the property is as usefull as :
* Set a property
* @param prop the property to set
* @param value the value to bind to the property
public void setProperty(String prop, Object value)
That wouldn't be the method that users would call. That method would
only used by implementors. Users would call something like
SegmentReader#setTermIndexDivisor(LuceneProperties props, int).
Then you get quite lost because you cannot have the exhausive list about the
properties you can set.
The documentation would be with the documentation of the facility in
question. So if you want to know what settings SegmentReader supports,
then you'd look at the SegmentReader javadoc.
Perhaps one could use annotations and a doclet to generate a page
listing all available options if that was desired.
In any case, I think Michael is opting to skip this proposal for now.
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