>>This is neat, Mark!
Thanks - GWT rocks.

>>Then it became clear to me that it's
 actually the _remote_ filesystem one is looking at (the server's).

Yes, that's a potentially worrying security issue that needs locking down 
carefully. I think one mode of operation should be that Luke Server is started 
with a pre-configured list of indices that can be opened rather than purely 
relying solely on a web-based "File/open" dialog.

There's a related area of configuration that cuts across a number of Lucene 
applications that I think would be useful to consider. I wanted to add the 
facility to configure and store *with the index* a definition of which 
analyzers are used for which fields. Now I think SOLR has such a configuration. 
All my applications certainly tend to have a similar configuration. Now I want 
to add this kind of metadata to Luke. 

Is it worth resurrecting the debate about a standardized form of recording the 
choice of analyzer configuration (for both query and write) alongside our 
indexes? XMLEncoder/XMLDecoder serialised PerFieldAnalyserWrappers is one 


----- Original Message ----
From: Dawid Weiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: java-dev@lucene.apache.org
Sent: Wednesday, 14 November, 2007 4:55:22 PM
Subject: Re: Web-based Luke

> I'm putting together a Google Web Toolkit-based version of Luke:
>    http://www.inperspective.com/lucene/Luke.war

This is neat, Mark!

At first I thought: darn, how the heck is he accessing the filesystem
JavaScript (GWT or otherwise)?! Then it became clear to me that it's
the _remote_ filesystem one is looking at (the server's).

Anyway, Luke through WWW looks very interesting.


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