
On Apr 11, 2008, at 7:43 PM, Chris Hostetter wrote:

Since i had to read robert's email about 3 times before i got what he was
saying, i'll elaborate in case anyone else is scratching their head as
much as i was...

because you could write code that looks like this...
   for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
       i = getSomeNumberNotBetweenZeroAndArrLength()
       String s = arr[i];
...the arr[i] lookup must do bounds checking and raise an exception if
needed.  This is not neccessary in the "foreach" style construct where
there is no explicit loop counter.

: When iterating over an array using an indexed loop, you typically need to
: access the element, as follows:
: for(int i=0;i<100;i++) {
:       String s = array[i];
:       ...
: }
: Java performs bounds checking on the array[i] access to make sure i is within : the limits of the array. Granted, there are optimizations the JVM can do in : many cases using escape processing to know that i will always be in the range,
: but it is not always feasible.
: when you use
: for(String s : array) {
: }
: the JVM uses its own internal indexer that it knows cannot be outside the
: bounds, and thus the bounds checking can be avoided.


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