OK so I wrote yet another way to do the signing, in Python (which I'll happily find any excuse to use ;) -- it prompts for your passphrase and then recurses through the dist directory looking for artifacts to sign:

import sys
import os
import subprocess
import getpass

def signFile(pwd, fileName):

  print '\nSIGN %s' % fileName

command = 'gpg --passphrase-fd 0 --batch --armor --detach-sig %s' % fileName
  print '  command %s' % command

  ascFileName = fileName + '.asc'
  if os.path.exists(ascFileName):

  p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
  result = p.wait()
  if result != 0:
    raise RuntimeError('command failed: exit code %s' % result)

def isArtifact(fileName):
  for suffix in ('.tar.gz', '.jar', '.zip', '.pom'):
    if fileName.endswith(suffix):
      return True
    return False

def main(argv):

  if len(argv) != 2:
    print '\nUsage: python %s distRootDirName\n' % argv[0]

pwd = getpass.unix_getpass(prompt='\nPlease enter your GPG private key passphrase:')

  for dirPath, dirNames, fileNames in os.walk(argv[1]):
    for fileName in fileNames:
      if isArtifact(fileName):
        signFile(pwd, os.path.join(dirPath, fileName))

if __name__ == '__main__':


Nicolas Lalevée wrote:

Le 19 sept. 08 à 15:21, Grant Ingersoll a écrit :

FWIW, here's a simple bash function to do it too:

function sign-artifacts()
   gpg --armor --output $1-$2.pom.asc --detach-sig $1-$2.pom
   if [ -f $1-$2-javadoc.jar ]; then
gpg --armor --output $1-$2-javadoc.jar.asc --detach-sig $1- $2-javadoc.jar
   if [ -f $1-$2-sources.jar ]; then
gpg --armor --output $1-$2-sources.jar.asc --detach-sig $1- $2-sources.jar
   if [ -f $1-$2.jar ]; then
       gpg --armor --output $1-$2.jar.asc --detach-sig $1-$2.jar

I call it as sign-artifacts <artifact id> <version number>

i.e. sign-artifacts solr-common 1.3.0

I suppose it could be put into a loop that recurses through sub-dirs.

You might also interested into the "read" function which avoid enter the pass phrase for every artifact:



On Sep 18, 2008, at 7:16 PM, Michael McCandless wrote:

Yeah I was afraid of this :)

I'll look at SOLR-776.  Thanks for the pointer!


Grant Ingersoll wrote:

FYI, MIke, you might be interested in https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-776 for signing the Maven artifacts (what a PITA). I know Michael B. has a batch script, but this does it in a Ant friendly way and is available for all RMs.

On Sep 18, 2008, at 2:29 PM, Michael McCandless wrote:


I just created the first release candidate for 2.4, here:


Please download the release candidate, kick the tires and report back
on any issues you encounter.

The plan is to make only serious bug fixes or build/doc fixes, to
2.4 for ~10 days, after which if there are no blockers I'll call a
vote for the actual release.

Happy testing, and thanks!


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