Grant Ingersoll wrote:
Came across:

The gist of it is, that on Android doesn't provide the RMI package. Thus, Lucene core can't work on Android b/c of Searchable extending java.rmi.Remote.

This has always seemed a little weird to me. I'm no RMI expert, but couldn't we drop the extension on Searchable, and add it to RemoteSearchable, and then move RemoteSearchable and all the RMI stuff to a separate contrib? This, in my view, would be consistent with keeping core, core, since not many people, I think, even use the RMI stuff and it certainly isn't required in most cases.

I haven't looked into what would break in doing it, so it is just a suggestion at this point. Seems like it could be "mostly" back-compatible, though, since we would just be requiring someone to get the new JAR, unless of course they implemented their own extension of Searchable that relied on the Remote marker interface.


Even more, I wonder how many people use RemoteSearchable in real applications. If it's in a relatively small number of cases, then let's move it to contrib - so long as we remember to keep all search-related core classes Serializable ;)

I recall a single situation when I had a use for remote searchable, and due to the operational issues with running rmiregistry we went with a custom RPC anyway.

Best regards,
Andrzej Bialecki     <><
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