Looks good to me!

Sematext -- http://sematext.com/ -- Lucene - Solr - Nutch

----- Original Message ----
> From: Michael McCandless <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: java-dev@lucene.apache.org
> Sent: Monday, September 29, 2008 3:00:17 PM
> Subject: draft 2.4 announcement
> Here's my current draft -- any feedback?
> Release 2.4.0 of Lucene is now available!
> Many new features, fixes and optimizations have happened since 2.4,
> including:
>    * New IndexWriter constructors now default autoCommit to false.
>    * New commit() method in IndexWriter, lets you control when changes
>      are made visible & permanent in the index.
>    * A machine or OS crash, or power loss, while IndexWriter is writing
>      to an index should no longer corrupt the index (LUCENE-1044).
>    * TimeLimitedCollector adds timeout to searches
>    * Delete documents by Query in IndexWriter
>    * Pure boolean indexing (no frequency, positions nor payloads are
>      indexed) using Field.setOmitTf()
>    * A new Directory implementation, NIOFSDirectory, using java.nio's
>      APIs to allow multiple threads to read from the same open file
>      without locking.
>    * IndexWriter.expungeDeletes() reclaims disk space from deleted
>      documents by merging away segments that have deletions.
>    * All filters now return a DocIdSet instead of java.util.BitSet,
>      making filters more efficient and flexible.
>    * IndexReader can be opened with new readOnly=true mode, which gives
>      better performance in a multi-threaded environment.
> The detailed changes are here:
> Lucene 2.4 includes index format changes that are not readable by older
> versions of Lucene.  Lucene 2.4 can both read and update older Lucene
> indexes.  Adding to an index with an older format will cause it to be
> converted to the newer format.
> Binary and source distributions are available at
> http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/lucene/java/
> Lucene artifacts are also available in the Maven2 repository at
> http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/lucene/
> Mike
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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