
Michael McCandless updated LUCENE-1483:

    Attachment: LUCENE-1483.patch

OK new patch attached:

  * Fixed the bug (I had added) in StringOrdValOnDemComparator that
    was doing too much work on first segment (especially skewed
    1-segment index results).

  * Removed "this.slot = slot" from StringOrdComparator,
    StringOrdValComparator and StringOrdValOnDemWinComparator.  I
    think this was a bug that was causing setNextReader to not convert
    enough of the queue in my tests.  Unfortunately, this makes
    performance worse for these classes.

  * Tweaked null checks for string values to be tiny bit faster if there
     are nulls.

New benchmark results for topN=1000;

|1|simple|country|val|text|1000|2000000|   0.9|  10.0|   0.7|  11.1| 11.0%|
|1|simple|country|ord|text|1000|2000000|   0.9|  10.0|   0.7|  13.3| 33.0%|
|1|simple|country|ordval|text|1000|2000000|   0.9|  10.0|   0.7|  12.7| 27.0%|
|1|simple|country|orddem|text|1000|2000000|   0.9|  10.0|   0.6|  12.5| 25.0%|
|1|wiki|title|val|147|1000|   4984|   2.1| 740.6|   2.3| 369.3|-50.1%|
|1|wiki|title|ord|147|1000|   4984|   2.1| 740.6|   2.1| 808.1|  9.1%|
|1|wiki|title|ordval|147|1000|   4984|   2.1| 740.6|   2.0| 815.7| 10.1%|
|1|wiki|title|orddem|147|1000|   4984|   2.1| 740.6|   2.1| 731.7| -1.2%|
|1|wiki|title|val|text|1000|  97191|   2.1| 108.7|   2.4|  32.6|-70.0%|
|1|wiki|title|ord|text|1000|  97191|   2.1| 108.7|   2.1| 121.1| 11.4%|
|1|wiki|title|ordval|text|1000|  97191|   2.1| 108.7|   2.1| 119.0|  9.5%|
|1|wiki|title|orddem|text|1000|  97191|   2.1| 108.7|   2.1| 114.8|  5.6%|
|1|wiki|title|val|1|1000| 386435|   2.1|  46.2|   2.4|  12.7|-72.5%|
|1|wiki|title|ord|1|1000| 386435|   2.1|  46.2|   2.1|  58.5| 26.6%|
|1|wiki|title|ordval|1|1000| 386435|   2.1|  46.2|   2.1|  56.7| 22.7%|
|1|wiki|title|orddem|1|1000| 386435|   2.1|  46.2|   2.1|  55.2| 19.5%|
|10|simple|country|val|text|1000|2000000|   0.8|   9.7|   0.6|  11.0| 13.4%|
|10|simple|country|ord|text|1000|2000000|   0.8|   9.7|   0.6|  13.1| 35.1%|
|10|simple|country|ordval|text|1000|2000000|   0.8|   9.7|   0.6|  12.5| 28.9%|
|10|simple|country|orddem|text|1000|2000000|   0.8|   9.7|   0.6|  12.5| 28.9%|
|10|wiki|title|val|147|1000|   4984|  12.7| 664.2|   2.4| 382.9|-42.4%|
|10|wiki|title|ord|147|1000|   4984|  12.7| 664.2|   2.2|  57.9|-91.3%|
|10|wiki|title|ordval|147|1000|   4984|  12.7| 664.2|   2.1|  71.5|-89.2%|
|10|wiki|title|orddem|147|1000|   4984|  12.7| 664.2|   2.1|  91.1|-86.3%|
|10|wiki|title|val|text|1000|  97191|  12.6| 100.4|   2.4|  33.4|-66.7%|
|10|wiki|title|ord|text|1000|  97191|  12.6| 100.4|   2.2|  62.9|-37.4%|
|10|wiki|title|ordval|text|1000|  97191|  12.6| 100.4|   2.2|  75.9|-24.4%|
|10|wiki|title|orddem|text|1000|  97191|  12.6| 100.4|   2.2|  79.6|-20.7%|
|10|wiki|title|val|1|1000| 386435|  12.7|  42.4|   2.4|  14.7|-65.3%|
|10|wiki|title|ord|1|1000| 386435|  12.7|  42.4|   2.7|  45.2|  6.6%|
|10|wiki|title|ordval|1|1000| 386435|  12.7|  42.4|   2.1|  48.5| 14.4%|
|10|wiki|title|orddem|1|1000| 386435|  12.7|  42.4|   2.2|  50.2| 18.4%|
|100|simple|country|val|text|1000|2000000|   1.0|   8.5|   0.7|   9.2|  8.2%|
|100|simple|country|ord|text|1000|2000000|   1.0|   8.5|   0.6|  10.1| 18.8%|
|100|simple|country|ordval|text|1000|2000000|   1.0|   8.5|   0.6|   9.7| 14.1%|
|100|simple|country|orddem|text|1000|2000000|   1.0|   8.5|   0.6|  10.3| 21.2%|
|100|wiki|title|val|147|1000|   4984|  93.8| 442.8|   2.3| 240.7|-45.6%|
|100|wiki|title|ord|147|1000|   4984|  93.8| 442.8|   2.3|  12.3|-97.2%|
|100|wiki|title|ordval|147|1000|   4984|  93.8| 442.8|   2.2|  18.4|-95.8%|
|100|wiki|title|orddem|147|1000|   4984|  93.8| 442.8|   2.1|  57.7|-87.0%|
|100|wiki|title|val|text|1000|  97191|  93.4|  88.0|   2.3|  33.3|-62.2%|
|100|wiki|title|ord|text|1000|  97191|  93.4|  88.0|   2.3|  17.7|-79.9%|
|100|wiki|title|ordval|text|1000|  97191|  93.4|  88.0|   2.2|  27.8|-68.4%|
|100|wiki|title|orddem|text|1000|  97191|  93.4|  88.0|   2.2|  54.4|-38.2%|
|100|wiki|title|val|1|1000| 386435|  92.8|  41.0|   2.4|  14.8|-63.9%|
|100|wiki|title|ord|1|1000| 386435|  92.8|  41.0|   2.7|  16.6|-59.5%|
|100|wiki|title|ordval|1|1000| 386435|  92.8|  41.0|   2.2|  27.9|-32.0%|
|100|wiki|title|orddem|1|1000| 386435|  92.8|  41.0|   2.2|  43.2|  5.4%|

> Change IndexSearcher to use MultiSearcher semantics for multiple subreaders
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: LUCENE-1483
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-1483
>             Project: Lucene - Java
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>    Affects Versions: 2.9
>            Reporter: Mark Miller
>            Priority: Minor
>         Attachments: LUCENE-1483.patch, LUCENE-1483.patch, LUCENE-1483.patch, 
> LUCENE-1483.patch, LUCENE-1483.patch, LUCENE-1483.patch, LUCENE-1483.patch, 
> LUCENE-1483.patch, LUCENE-1483.patch, LUCENE-1483.patch, LUCENE-1483.patch, 
> LUCENE-1483.patch, LUCENE-1483.patch, LUCENE-1483.patch, LUCENE-1483.patch, 
> LUCENE-1483.patch, LUCENE-1483.patch, LUCENE-1483.patch, sortBench.py, 
> sortCollate.py
> FieldCache and Filters are forced down to a single segment reader, allowing 
> for individual segment reloading on reopen.

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