On Mar 18, 2009, at 12:04 PM, Zaid Md. Abdul Wahab Sheikh wrote:

Hi lucene,
In this link http://wiki.apache.org/general/SummerOfCode2009 , there are no project ideas for Lucene proper. (Only ideas for Mahout listed).

This requires someone (has to be a committer) willing to mentor. I'd love to see a Lucene GSOC project, but I'm already mentoring on Mahout and don't have time for more than one.

Please put up some ideas for Lucene there or please mention some popular open issues that might be suitable as a GSoC project.

As for ideas, what the others said would be good, I'd also add in:
Design/implement the query side of the new TokenStream Attribute stuff so that we are closer to flexible indexing.

New/updated demo would be great, one that shows off more of Lucene.


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