We're aiming for a Solr release in the next few weeks (as usual, we're
6 months behind when we wanted to make the release).
The catch is that Solr depends on Lucene 2.9, and there have been a
*lot* of changes.  We're currently on r779312 (upgraded topday).

I'll add a note to Solr to warn users from using new Lucene APIs in
plugins, and warn them to not upgrade the version of Lucene in Solr
themselves.  Solr itself doesn't require API back compat from Lucene
of course... we'll figure out some way to get stuff to work.

So concerns what does that leave?
- Index format stability... I believe since 2.4, the only change has
been commit metadata?  Any guesses if the format for this remain
stable until 2.9 is released?
- stability in general (i.e. not crashing or producing corrupt indexes)

Solr is using read-only readers, IndexReader.reopen(),
IndexReader.incRef(), etc.  All deletes are via IndexWriter
We're also using the new Collector classes, new FieldComparator
classes including custom comparators.  We're passing
docsScoredInOrder=true, and we also depend on docs coming back in
sorted order in some places.

Solr is *not* using NRT features.

Any thoughts or concerns?  Any specific changes we should wait for?


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