Steven A Rowe wrote:
> Mark Miller wrote:
>>      <release>
>>        <Version>
>> +        <name>Lucene 2.9.0</name>
>> +        <created>2009-09-23</created>
>> +        <revision>2.9.0</revision>
>> +      </Version>
> Stupid question from the peanut gallery:
> Doesn't a VOTE require 3 days?  I ask because (3 + 2009-09-21) = 2009-09-24, 
> not -23.
> Steve
Not stupid - but evil :) Your gonna make me package again!

I almost asked about that. Officially, from Apache, it just takes 3 +1
votes. Beyond that, each project can have its own rules.

Now that you mention it, someone has mentioned we have the 3 day rule
before. I was thinking ... possibly ... monday, tuesday, wednesday,
release at midnight ?!

I actually almost sent an email questioning it, but the day is supposed
to be an estimate, so I figure its likely to be off a day or two anyway.
Perhaps I can't get the stuff out to the mirrors till a day later, even
if I estimate 3 days ahead?

I'll admit I fudged to try and speed things along a bit.

What it all means? I dunno. Probably more work for me :)

- Mark

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