
   I would like to try and improve concurrency in Lucene in several places,
and thought I would start with FieldCacheImpl. The implementation is heavily
synchronized on both a global map and on creation values for a pretty
heavily used path (get). I think the weak hash map is a good solution (but
also think that the ability to choose to use soft hash map would add even
greater flexibility), the problem is that there is no built in concurrent
weak/soft hash map. I have built several of these over the course of my Java
life, but now, with google collections, I really don't think someone should
build anything like this anymore.

   I would like to take the task of doing this, I wanted to first check if
the it is possible for lucene to have a dependency on google collections?
Its apache licensed, and developed in cooperation with Doug Lea and
basically considered as java.util valid extension with possible inclusion of
some of the work into future JDK versions (and how know when those will come
:) ).


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