>>Variant d) sounds most logical? And enables all sorts of fun stuff.
> So the duplicate-key docs can have different values for initial-insert fields 
> but partial updates will cause sharing of  a common field value?
> And subsequent same-key doc inserts do or don't share these previous 
> "partial-update" values?
> Sounds like a complex model for users to understand let alone code support 
> for.
> Everyone gets primary keys though.

What you say IS complex. Sharing? Bleargh.

But everyone digs "update qweqwe set field=value where some_condition".
Who ever said that some_condition should point to a unique document?
It could, if you wish it so. Or you can do bulk updates if that's what
you need. Very flexible and no need to introduce any new concepts.

Kirill Zakharenko/Кирилл Захаренко (ear...@gmail.com)
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