On Apr 14, 2010, at 12:49 AM, Robert Muir wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 12:06 AM, Marvin Humphrey <mar...@rectangular.com> 
> wrote:
> New class names would work, too.
> I only mention that for the sake of completeness, though -- it's not a
> suggestion.
> Right, to me this is just as bad. 
> In my eyes, the Version thing really shows the problem with the analysis 
> stuff:
> * Used by QueryParsers, etc at search and index time, with no real clean way 
> to do back-compat
> * Concepts like Version and class-naming push some of the burden to the user: 
> users decide the back-compat level, but it still leaves devs with back-compat 
> management hassle.
> The idea of having a real versioned-module is the same as Version and 
> class-naming, except it both pushes the burden to the user in a more natural 
> way (people are used to versioned jar files and things like that... not 
> Version constants), and it relieves devs of the back compat
> In all honesty with the current scheme, release schedules of Lucene, and 
> Lucene's policy, the analysis stuff will soon deadlock into being nearly 
> unmaintainable, and to many users, the API is already unconsumable: its 
> difficult to write reusable analyzers due to historical relics in the API, 
> methods are named inappropriately, e.g. Tokenizer.reset(Reader) and 
> TokenStream.reset(), they don't understand Version, and probably a few other 
> things I am forgetting that are basically impossible to fix right now with 
> the current state of affairs.

The thing I keep going back to is that somehow Lucene has managed for years 
(and I mean lots of years) w/o stuff like Version and all this massive back 
compatibility checking.  I'm still undecided as to whether that is a good thing 
or not.  I also am not sure whether it in the past we just missed/ignored more 
back compatibility issues or whether now we are creating more back compat. 
issues due to more rapid change.  I agree, though, that all of this stuff is 
making it harder and harder to develop (and I don't mean for us committers, I 
mean for end consumers.)

I also agree about Robert's point about the incorrectness of naming something 
3.0 versus 3.1 when 3.1 is the thing that has all the new features and is 
really the "major" release.

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