
import java.util.*;

to your class file input statements.

--- On Thu, 2/26/09, Biljana Biljana <> wrote:
From: Biljana Biljana <>
Subject: [java ee programming] Servlet Advanced2
To: "J2EE Passion Group" 
Date: Thursday, February 26, 2009, 11:02 AM

Am I seein well?
I try to run hello2 project, from servletadvanced after I add myOwnFilter and 
uncoment what they said. I saw that I have five bugs, because don't have  
defined class Enumeration  enywhere, even in imported package, even in that 
package.I think OK, the don't siad enything about that, mayby it works, but I 
can't run hello2.
What is the problem? How to solve it?


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