I have started doing the JSTL homework assignment and I am confused by the
instructions. Their are two steps to complete this task. 1) Modify index.jsp
2) Modify response.jsp.

If I only modify response.jsp to just output the customerTable I get the
expected results. My question is, what am I accomplishing by modifying the
index.jsp code?

   -----Original Message-----
  From: java-ee-j2ee-programming-with-passion@googlegroups.com
[mailto:java-ee-j2ee-programming-with-pass...@googlegroups.com]on Behalf Of
ruchir pandit
  Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 5:21 PM
  To: java-ee-j2ee-programming-with-passion@googlegroups.com
  Subject: [java ee programming] Calling Java Script in java file


  I am working on one servlet where I need to submit data to one tool. In
existing application this can be done by using java script.

  For example :

  We are taking the value of id using JSTL in jsp page.


  var id = '<c:out value="${MDFNAME}"/>';

  document.feedback.id.value = id;


  In new flow, we will bypass this function and need to do these (submit
value to tool)  in java file ( Servlet ). We can also this in  java file
(servlet) by calling a java script.

  Any pointers in this will be very helpful.



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