While this seems very comprehensible, I'd like to have something cleared up 
before I put it to bed.
I'm looking at the TypeInfo.java file, specifically this block:

            ResultSet rs = dbmd.getTypeInfo();
            while (rs.next()) {
                String typeName = rs.getString("TYPE_NAME");
                short dataType = rs.getShort("DATA_TYPE");
                String createParams = rs.getString("CREATE_PARAMS");
                boolean nullable = rs.getBoolean("NULLABLE");


Looking at the Javadoc for DatabaseMetaData, it says this about the NULLABLE 
# NULLABLE short => can you use NULL for this type.
    * typeNoNulls - does not allow NULL values
    * typeNullable - allows NULL values
    * typeNullableUnknown - nullability unknown 

So I'm to assume by this that typeNoNulls, typeNullable and typeNullableUnknown 
all of some static value associated with them expressed as as short value. 
Where are these values defined?




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