Hi Dennis,

In regards to deciding whether to add a plug-in or do a complete re-
install, I personally compare the time it will take to do the complete
reinstall against my desire to have a "clean", up-to-date copy of the
application; meaning if I have the time I always prefer a full, fresh
installation of the most recent full release. This is supposing that
the target computer is not a critical machine.

As far as the installation of plug-ins in the Netbeans IDE goes, I've
only once experienced a problem with the order of the updates being
installed once (in two years of use). Normally when adding a plug-in
the dependencies will be indicated before installation and installed
in the correct order.

As Netbeans released a new package recently (6.5.1) I'd suggest
downloading the "All" package and installing that after removing your
current Netbeans installation. In my experience the functionalities
not in use don't get in my way, and having them hanging around would
be a good head start if I did ever need them for any reason.

Hope this helped.

Have a good day,

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