  I am doing EL home work Since yesterday.But i didn't yet get output.
First i want to say what i did till now.

1..I have  modified the helloweb project from online lab document.

2.I have created two class named person and name as follows.

public class Name {

    static String firstName="mak";
   static String lastName="pand";


public class Person {

    Name name;
    public Person(String X,String Y)


3.I have added this class to servletcontext by Init class as follows...

 Person person=new Person("mak","Pandian");
  // sce.getServletContext().setAttribute("person", person);

4. added the code in response.jsp as follows

<td><c:out value="${name.firstName}"/></td>

But I did not yet get output......................

What should i do ..

Thanking You....

KolluraniPandian A
(Living in Virtual World)

KolluraniPandian A
(Living in Virtual World)

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