
Thanks a lot for explaining me the concept with an example.

Does that mean I don't have to worry about the SOAP intermediaries as a

Since I expose my Web Service and anyone who has access the WSDL of my Web
Service can invoke the exposed methods of my Web Service.

But one thing that still I don't understand is that the SOAP specification
talks a lot about the SOAP intermediaries and says that SOAP Intermediaries
can access only the HEADER part of the SOAP message and accordingly perform
some action.The BODY of the SOAP message is accessed by only the Ultimate

Each Header is meant to be process by a particular SOAP Intermediary along
the message path.
Moreover, SOAP Intermediaries can add and remove the HEADER in the SOAP
There are certain attributes in the HEADER like:

   - actor/role
   - mustUnderstand
   - next

These are all applicable to the SOAP Intermediaries only. Then if we don't
have to worry about the SOAP intermediaries why we have to understand these
attributes of the HEADER.

So my doubt is that if as a Developer don't have to worry about the SOAP
Intermediaries then why

According to my understanding I think following are the possible
responsibilities of a Developer in developing Web Services:

   1. Develop and Deploy the Web Service in a Server(WebLogic, WebSphere,
   2. Anyone who has access to my WSDL can develop a Client and invoke the
   methods of my Web Service.

This is a most common responsibility for any developer using any of the
frameworks for e.g. AXIS, WebLogic, .NET, etc.

Please point me if I am wrong anyone.


             /         \
             | \\   // |
           ( | (.) (.) |)
Stand up,be bold,be strong.
Take the whole responsibility on
ur own shoulders and know that
U are the creator of ur own destiny.
   (   )     0ooo
    \ (      (   )
     \_)      ) /

On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Deepak Kumar Singh <>wrote:

> Now X should be able to understand SOAP request send from A and will
> forward this request to B. Then again will recieve SOAP response from B and
> forward it to A.

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