Ah, get it!! :-))

  And what about AppFuse, J2EESpider or JSenna?!! ;-))


2009/8/5 Kevin <kaidiz...@gmail.com>

> Maybe I should rephrase my question a little bit:
> I was saying JavaEE, but that is simply for the fact that this group
> is about JavaEE. But if we want to build the e-commerce site "fast and
> cheap", what are the options?
> "fast" means short development time and learning time,
> "cheap" means no expensive software tools, and no expensive hardware.
> Also, it should be supported by most of the webhosting services --
> those who charge a few dozen $ per month, not those who charge
> thousands per month. Assuming the e-commerce site is for small
> business.
> Thanks.
> On Aug 5, 6:35 am, Thang Phan <tphan04...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Check out the leading opensource portal technologies such as JBoss and
> Liferay portal application servers.
> >
> > Thang
> >
> > ________________________________
> > From: Kevin <kaidiz...@gmail.com>
> > To: Java EE (J2EE) Programming with Passion! <
> java-ee-j2ee-programming-with-passion@googlegroups.com>
> > Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2009 12:08:46 AM
> > Subject: [java ee programming] Build e-commerce website using JavaEE?
> >
> > I am wondering, for a typical e-commerce website, that supports
> > customer login, browsing products, adding to cart, checkout, and
> > paying by credit card, what are the exact products or techniques it
> > may need? I am familiar with JavaSE, but javaEE is kind of huge and I
> > assume it will be helpful, but exactly which ones/parts?
> >
> > Any keywords (or URLs) are welcome so I can do some google on that.
> >
> > Also, are there any existing products/projects that can help on this?
> > (say, I only need to customize the UI, hook up my own payment
> > information, etc.)
> >
> > Thanks.
> > Kevin
> >

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