Any other choice is getting Textpad as well.

From: Alin Dumitrescu <>
To: j2ee passion <>
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 9:47:21 AM
Subject: [java ee programming] Re: Populating the Example Database needs 
password file‏

For development purposes, if you don’t want to use the NetBeans to edit your 
files(.java or .properties or .xml or dotwhatever)
try to use the Notepad++, it knows a lot of file types, you’ll love it.
Happy coding! 
[] On Behalf Of 
peeter brunch
Sent: September-10-09 3:22 AM
To:; j2ee passion
Subject: [java ee programming] Re: Populating the Example Database needs 
password file‏
Hi everyone,
I used notepad to open the property file and rename the file. Now all the 
problems have gone. Thanks for the help.


Subject: RE: [java ee programming] Re: Populating the Example Database needs 
password file‏
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 04:45:04 +0000

Thanks for the clue. I have edited my file to include the 
passwordfile definition. But the build returned with the same failure message 
"javaee.server.passwordfile not specified".
My changes to the file are highlighted as below:
# Set the property javaee.home, using the path to your 
# GlassFish installation.
# C:/Program Files/glassfish-v3 is the GlassFish v3 default installation 
# path on Windows.
javaee.home=C:/Program Files (x86)/sges-v3-prelude
# Set the property javaee.tutorial.home to the location where you 
# installed the Java EE Tutorial bundle.
# machine name (or the IP address) where the applications will be deployed.
# port number where GlassFish applications are accessed by users
# port number where the Admin Console of GlassFish is available
# Uncomment the property javaee.server.username, 
# and replace the administrator username of the app-server 
# Uncomment the property javaee.server.passwordfile, 
# and replace the followingline to point to a file that 
# contains the admin password for your app-server. 
# The file should contain the password in the following line: 
# AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=adminadmin
# Notice that the password is adminadmin since this is 
# the default password used by GlassFish.
# Uncomment and set this property to the location of the browser you 
# choose to launch when an application is deployed.
# On Windows and Mac OS X the OS default browser is used.
# Database vendor property for db tasks
# JavaDB is the default database vendor. See the settings in
# Digital certificate properties for mutual authentication
Is anything wrong with my changes? I use MS WORD to open the sample file and 
edit/save the changes(since I do not have the right software to open the sample 
or properties  type file type in Window Vista). I renamed the file with 
Properties extension after saving the file. Would it be possible that Word 
would corrupt the properties file or its internal format so Build process is 
unable to read the file properly.The size of the original sample file is 2KB 
but the edited file is 13KB. 
I am attaching my property file for perusing. 
Can anyone whose has successfully populating the Bookstore1 example database 
send me their build.propertiies file so I can use it to build my database? 
Thanks in advance.
I always try to send mail without an attachment. But I cannot cut and paste 
the screen shots from Dos command prompt terminal windows. Pls advise if there 
is any proper method to cut and paste text content from Dos. Sorry for 
the inconvenience if that this might cause.


> Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2009 20:36:58 -0700
> Subject: [java ee programming] Re: Populating the Example Database needs 
> password file‏
> From:
> To:
> On 8 sep, 11:41, peeter brunch <> wrote:
> > During the build of Example Database for Bookstore1 project, the build 
> > process requires a password file and to specify it in the 
> > \nbproject\ file.
> >
> > Could someone provide the steps to accomplish these requirements for 
> > popuplating the database? Pls see attachment for error message returned 
> > from the build process.
> As explained in the javaeetutorial5, you should create a
> file inside bp-project, based on
> In it, you set what is required (it is explained in the file itself).
> The file where the password is noted is common/admin-password.txt
> (adapt it to your system, I'm on a Mac). If you hava not changed the
> password of the Glassfish server, it is adminadmin.
> PS: Could you please avoid sending attachment, as most of the time you
> pass text, you may as well paste and copy it directly inside the
> email.


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