I am working with the lab 4918 Spring MVC. I have 2 questions with spring:bind 
tag and formView property in the exercise springMVCSimpleController. 
1) My first question is:  Is spring:bind tag used to display and to populate 
(i.e. to GET and to SET) only the content of a command object which is 
associated with a SimpleFormController or we can use it to display and to 
populate the content of another kinds of bean? 
For example, in this exercise, we have a following controller (configured in 
the file sampleBankingServlet-servlet.xml):
    <bean id="loginBankController"
        <property name="sessionForm">
        <property name="commandName">
         .... blah blah blah 
        <property name="formView">
        .... blah blah blah         
Suppose that in the same configuration file, we declared another bean:
    <bean id="testClass"
        <property name="personname">
            <value>A typical name</value>
As defined in the above configuration, the formView page of loginBankController 
is login.jsp. Can we use spring:bind tag in this page to display and  to set 
the property personname of the bean testClass? I tried but it did not work. I 
thought that maybe the login.jsp is reserved for the command object of the 
loginBankController bean, therefore I created another jsp page to display/set 
its content but it also failed.
2) My second question is that: Can we use the same formView page (e.g 
login.jsp) for 2 different SimpleFormController controllers? I tried but it did 
not work.
Can anyone help me?

Thank you very much.
T. N.

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