hello guys:I run the following files that belong to the lab 4008:
<%@ taglib prefix="tags" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags" %>
    <title>JSP 2.0 Examples - Display Products Tag File</title>
    <h1>JSP 2.0 Examples - Display Products Tag File</h1>
    <p>This JSP page invokes a tag file that displays a listing of
    products.  The custom tag accepts two fragments that enable
    customization of appearance.  One for when the product is on sale
    and one for normal price.</p>
    <p>The tag is invoked twice, using different styles</p>
      <jsp:attribute name="normalPrice">
    Item: ${name}<br/>
    Price: ${price}
      <jsp:attribute name="onSale">
    Item: ${name}<br/>
    <font color="red"><strike>Was: ${origPrice}</strike></font><br/>
    <b>Now: ${salePrice}</b>
    <jsp:attribute name="anotherJSPFragment">
         This is the item: <font color="red"> ${name} </font><br/>
         <font color="blue"><strike>Was: ${origPrice}</strike></font><br/>
                <b>The price now is: ${salePrice}</b>

    <h2>Products (Same tag, alternate style)</h2>
      <jsp:attribute name="normalPrice">
    <b>${name}</b> @ ${price} ea.
      <jsp:attribute name="onSale">
    <b>${name}</b> @ ${salePrice} ea. (was: ${origPrice})
        <h2>Products (Same tag, the 3rd style)</h2>
            <jsp:attribute name="normalPrice">
                My own display format: ${name}  ${price} per item
            <jsp:attribute name="onSale">
                My own display format ${name}  ${salePrice} per item
(Yesterday it was: ${origPrice})


I added the following two sentences to the displayproducts.tag:

<%@ attribute name="another JSPFragment" fragment="true" %>
*<jsp:invoke fragment="anotherJSPFragment"/>*i obtained this wrong after
Estado de HTTP 500 -

*type* Informe de excepción


*Descripción*El servidor encontró un error interno () que impide satisfacer
la solicitud.


org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /jsp2/tagfiles/products.jsp(42,48)
PWC6228: Expression language no se permite en el cuerpo de texto de
una plantilla.

*nota* *Las causas de los seguimientos de pila completos de la excepción y
su root se encuentran disponibles en los Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server
v2.1 registros.*
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1
*it will be someone could help me?*

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