Hi all,

I hope someone can point me to the right direction.

I've developed a JEE application (Glassfish, EJB, JPA) with a Swing
client running in the application client container. The swing
application works with a subset of the entities held by the server,
depending on which user logged in. In the server side, the state of
these entities can change at any time and the Swing client needs to be
notified about this change to keep the view updated.

In order to achieve this, I developed some classes that make use of
PropertyChangeListeners, EntityListeners, JMS and Reflection. In this
way, i can detect entities' changes at property-level to send just the
data that needs to be updated in the Swing client.

My question: is there any (stable, robust, etc...)
framework/API/library i could use to replace this homemade solution?

I read that exist frameworks like JCS, Ehcache and others that
replicate caches, but i don't know if I could use any them under my
requirements as the Swing client works with a subset of the entities.

Thanks a lot in advanced.


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