On Feb 14, 11:56 pm, Edward <burgthum...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am trying to view javaeetutorial5 example, dukesbank, but when I
> pull it into netbeans 6.8, I get a warning:
> Target server not set properly.
In NetBeans, click on the project, click on Files tab, expand the
project name, expand nbproject, click on project properties, inside
the file change j2ee.platform value to 1.6, as well as javac.source
and javac.target values, save the file, return to projects tab, right
click on the project, choose properties, click on the Run tab, and
select GlassFish V3 Domain from the Server popup menu, click on OK.

This procedure is the same for any project construct with an older
version of GlassFish.
Now, as far as the javaee5 tutorial is concerned, you should read the
tutorial itself which explains how to initiate the project so that the
server be recognized.
And last, the javaee5 tutorial is built with javaee5 in mind, and
NetBeans 6.8 is tailored for javaee6, so maybe it will be better to
learn the javaee6 tutorial, or install NetBeans 6.7.1.

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