| From: arjun.panday /  mime, , , [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| To: java-linux /  mime, , , [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Subject: java AWT and Swing without XWindows
| Date: Friday, September 25, 1998 4:40PM
| To the java port developpers,
| I'm designing an embedded application (=>small footprint!) in Java that I'd
| like to have running on a Linux OS. Is there a way to have Java (especially
| the AWT and Swing components) run without XWindows?
| That would mean using either
|        the frame buffer,
| or    GGI,
| or    SVGI lib.

Theoretically it should be possible, but it will mean that you will 
have to re-implement
the AWT on top of whatever graphical subsystem you want it to have it 
on (e.g. GGI or SVGAlib???) and that will be a lot of work.

Cheers, Addy.| 

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