It would appear from the stack-trace you provided that your servlet is
never executing.  Its probably not even being loaded.  The exception ...

>Failed to locate native function:
>at java/util/zip/ZipFile.getInputStream(line unknown, pc 0x8373d8a)

... appears to be complaining about a missing native function for inflating
a zip file (probably a required .jar file).  This probably has something to
do with the installation and configuration of your servlet environment.

At 07:02 PM 11/28/98 +0900, ÇÑ»óÇ wrote:
>OS : Redhat 5.0
>JDK : JDK1.17
>I installed JDK1.1.7 and JSDK2.0.
>and I test application program and It's OK
>but I test servlet program.. but It has some problems.
>I din't see this problem before in Othre OS(Solaris or NT)
>and I have a trouble in this problem.
>the Problem is
>the source code is very simple

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