
XML Parser for Java Version 3.1.1 Release (XML4J-3_1_1) is now available

This release contains public and stable support of the DOM Level 1, and SAX
Level 1 specifications. It also contains implementations of the DOM Level
2, SAX Level 2 implementations, and partial April 7 W3C Schema
implementations but these are considered experimental, as the
specifications themselves are still subject to change.

XML4J-3_1_1 contains a number of optimizations designed to improve
performance as compared with XML4J-3_1_0. It is also more robust with
regard to thread safety. In all other respects, XML4J-3_1_1
behaves like XML4J-3_1_0.



developerWorks Japan - XML Zone

Go to the developerWorks XML Zone to find articles, white-papers,
and tutorials written in Japanese. Here are new articles just released:

>From text to byte code - Data binding from XML to Java, Part 3

e-Business, XML, Web Serveses, UDDI and B2B


How SOAP works - The Web services (r)evolution, Part 3
This article provides an explanation of how SOAP works, including
information about its on-the-wire protocol and how messages are processed.
It also explains how objects can be passed by value between Web services,
and touches on performance and security issues.
Complete Article


The missing link
Will ebXML bring true global B2B?

The United Nation and the OASIS group have joined together as unlikely
allies in the ongoing turf war over B2B standards. Offering a new set of
XML-based specification, ebXML makes the bold promise to enable a single
global electronic marketplace.

Complete Article


WSDL processing with XSLT

This article shows ways of using Extensible Stylesheet Language for
Transforms (XSLT) to process WSDL in various ways. Familiarity with XSLT
and Resource Description Framework (RDF) are required. Resources
introducing XSLT are provided.

Complete Article


Applying Web services to the
application service provider environment

This article offers a brief introduction to the architectural principles
underlying Web services, as well as some of the technologies that support
them. This article primarily presents an example of how Web services can be
applied to an application service provider environment.

Complete Article


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