I'm encountering a rather serious problem using the jni with
Blackdown-1.3.0-FCS (kernel 2.2.14, SuSE 6.4) .  The problem is actually
causing problems in my system as a whole.  I suspect it has to do with
memory allocation , and it would help to have some information about how
memory for jni is allocated.  I'd very much appreciate hearing from
someone who knows about these matters.

I've been using jni calls to C functions (which use malloc/free) for
several months without problems.  However, I just added another one and
it's wreaking havoc.  I'm fairly certain that the problem is not the
function itself.  When I call it from a test simple test program, is
seems fine.   I can run it on a loop (changing the data passed to it)
for hundreds of thousands of iterations without problems.  However, when
I call it from a larger Java program, all kinds of things get corrupted
(the larger Java program without this jni call can run for hours without
problems).  If I run it from an Xterminal under X, it causes X to
crash.  If I don't have X running at all (the larger java program
doesn't need it), getty gets interfered with and I can't login under
through virtual terminals.   I assume that memory is being corrupted.

A few questions:

- Where does the memory for a jni called function come from? Is, is
space allocated in the JVM heap (or stack)?
-  When a jni invoked function makes a malloc call, is memory allocated
from the JVM's memory, or directly from the operating system?
-  What is the default stack size for the jvm?  I've tried making this
larger (no effect), but have no idea what would be a 'large' amount of
memory for the stack.
- Is there anyway to get a core dump when a problem like this occurs?

Unfortuntely, I haven't been able to generate an isolated case of the
problem, which makes debugging difficult. So any comments or suggestions
would be appreciated.


Barnet Wagman

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