
XML developer resources written in Japanese
Go to the developerWorks XML Zone to find XML development articles,
white-papers, and tutorials written in Japanese. At the dW XML Zone
You can get over 40 pieces of XML content that is Written in Japanese.

dW Japan XML Zone - developer content written in Japanese


Soapbox: Why I'm using SOAP
In the XML zone's new opinion department, Benoît Marchal steps up on the
soapbox to tell why
SOAP is winning him over. SOAP's selling point is its simplicity, Marchal
says. Because the new
protocol builds on familiar technologies, in particular the Web server and
XML, it's relatively easy
for developers to design and deploy SOAP servers.

Learn when its best to consider and use SOAP


Transforming Python performance data
This article covers how to use XML technologies to build a better profiling
tool for Python programs.
It also describes how to generate an XML call tree from collected profile
data, including function call
information, such as the number of calls and cumulative time spent in
function calls. This article
includes several examples with sample Code.

Use XML and XSLT to devise a Python performance profiling tool


The Python Web services Developer, Part 1
Python's motto has always been "batteries included," referring to the large
array of standard libraries
and facilities that come with the language installation. This article
presents an overview and survey
of tools and facilities available for Web services development in Python.
This includes built-in Python
features and third-party open-source tools.

Python tools for Web services

A useful overview of Web services, UDDI, and WSDL

IBM XML and Web Services development environment


Tutorial: Practical transformation using XSLT and XPath
Transforming XML documents is one of the hottest topics in the XML
community today. The most
common transformation is converting an XML document, into HTML, however the
World Wide Web
Consortium (W3C) is currently working on two proposed standards for
transforming XML documents:
XSLT and XPath. This tutorial introductory version of Ken Holman's
"Practical transformation using
XSLT and XPath (XSL transformations and the XML Path Language) will help
you understand these
important standards efforts.

Practical transformation using XSLT and XPath


Portable database reporting using Java and XML
This article explains how to generate printable reports from a database
using Java- and XML-related
technologies like Xalan, Xerces, and FOP. It demonstrates how Java and XML
make it possible to develop
reporting tools that work under different operating systems using the same
source code.

How to generate printable reports with Java, XML, and FOP


XML Structures for Existing Databases
This book chapter, excerpted from the just-published Wrox Press book
Professional XML Databases,
offers clear, authoritative guidance for how to deal with an existing
database that you need to move
to XML, from modeling the tables and keys to dealing with orphaned
elements. The chapter provides
an overview of the issues involved and details 11 rules for creating XML
data structures for data in a
relational database. The article includes suggestions for creating data
structures that can be processed
rapidly. Used with the permission of the publisher.

Eleven rules for moving a relational database to XML


XML Matters #6 - A roundup of editors
In this column David Mertz gives an up-to-date review of a half-dozen
leading XML editors. He compares
the strengths, weaknesses and capabilities of each -- especially for
handling text-heavy prose documents.
The column addresses the very practical question of just how one goes about
creating, modifying, and
maintaining prose-oriented XML documents.
 Review of a half-dozen leading XML editors


alphaWorks XML Tools Updates

XML Lightweight Extractor
The latest version can catch exceptions at XLE.java and includes "-catch"
option to abort XLE at the first exception.

Overview and Free Download


LotusXSL 2.0.0 incorporates the Xalan 2.0.0 XSL Transformer along with a
wrapper to support continued use of the LotusXSL API.

Overview and  Free Download


XML Security Suite
Improved API document for XACL, along with better KeyInfo handling of
XML-Signature, a programing how-to guide, and some bug fixes.

Overview and  Free Download


Data Descriptors by Example
DDbE supports the XML Schema WG CR of October 2000.

Overview and  Free Download


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