
I always have problems with certain applications with the Sun/Blackdown JVM.
For example, the Splash screen for NetBeans (and at least one other app)
doesn't show up at all, except in the task bar. And some other windows tend
to show up extremely small and be impssible to re-size.

I haven't been able to duplicate it in my own Java code, but there is
definitely something that makes it croak.

This does not happen with IBM's JVM though (but that one eats more RAM, so I
stick to Sun/Blackdown).

The problems occurr with both icewm and kde; but not with fvwm2.

Is there something I can do about this? It's annoying. Especially the ones
that do show up but are small and unresponsive - if it's a modal dialog and
I can't close it, I can't use the application at all.

(Oh and indicidently; what kind of stupid protocol issue is behind this? I
mean, sizing/placing/etc windows *should* be easy enough, but given all the
compatibility problems I assume it's being complicated by something?)

Thanks :)

/ Peter Schuller, InfiDyne Technologies HB

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