I downloaded the J2SE v 1.4.0 Beta version for Linux from Sun, http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4/, and applications requiring Java_Home/bin/i686/green_threads/java won't run.  After unpacking J2SE 1.4 beta, only Java_Home/bin/i386/native_threads were installed on my system.  The JDK 1.1.8 bin directory contains an i386, i486, i586, & i686 directory and each of these directories contains a green_threads and native_threads directory.  My question is how do I install i686 /green_threads and i686/native_threads in my J2SE v 1.4.0 /bin directory?  I've tried symbolic links to the J2SE v 1.4 i386 directory and updating my PATH environment variable to point the JRE libhpi.so directory but this didn't work.  Any help would be appreciated.
My System Setup:
Suse Linux 7.2
Kernal 2.4.4
glibc 2.2.2-38

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