
I've searched for quite a long time for answers using the archive, but haven't found any actual reference. So that's why I'm posting the question here.

The problem is: At our customers site, a debian-linux-server is used as main development environment for versioning system, automatic builds and so on. They are using BlackDown Java 1.4.2-rc1.

Now we introduced Java Generics to our sources (using http://java.sun.com/developer/earlyAccess/adding_generics/), and we wanted to build the sources using the appropriate bootclasspath. It works perfect with Suns Java SDK both on Linux and Windows. The EA-generics are integrated using the bootclasspath (as stated at the URL above).

But, on debian using BlackDown, we are getting a lot of compiler errors at every unusual string character (E.g. copyright mark, or question mark):

unmappable character for encoding ASCII

Now I wanted to ask you:
  • is this a known problem?
  • is there any chance to get generics up and running with BlackDown JDK?

Hope you can help me on this.

Best Regards

Christopher Semturs

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