
I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this issue, but it's
driving me mad and no one else seems to know the solution.

Up until about 4 weeks ago my Java setup was fine with Blackdown running
applets inside of Galeon (Gecko based) browser on my Gentoo system.
Sometime between then and now something has gone wrong and now all Java
applets take about 5/6 minutes to load.
I've not changed much in the way of system configuration, and I think
I've undone anything that might've changed, although to no avail.  I've
even tried using a different jre, but they all have the same problem.

It seems to wait at the point where the plugin is loaded and trying to
start the applet.  Here's the output from the java console:

Trace level set to 5: all ... completed.
basic: New window ID: 1800263
basic: Value of xembed: 1
basic: setWindow: call before applet exists:1800263
basic: Referencing classloader: [EMAIL PROTECTED],
basic: Added progress listener: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
basic: Loading applet ...
basic: Initializing applet ...
basic: Starting applet ...
network: Connecting http://java.com/en/download/help/testvm.class with

If I leave it to start the applet (this really does take 5 minutes!) any
subsequent applets will load instantly for that browser session.

My system is running Gentoo stable apart from Evolution/Gaim from
unstable, with a dual Athlon MP 2400, 1GB ram, DMA enabled harddrive -
ie it should run a Java applet with some considerable speed!

Does anyone have enough knowledge about how the jre works to suggest any
ideas of *anything* that I could try?  It's starting to get a little


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