Sam Varshavchik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Keith Poirier writes:
>> I have RH Update 3 (beta) (also tried on update 2) installed on a
>> proliant 360G4 which uses the new Intel EM64T chip. I installed
>> jre-1_5_0-beta2-linux-amd64.rpm from but when I link
>> to the java plugin, and access a java app via mozilla it crashes:
> Intel's EM64 is not a plug-in replace for Opteron.  It's close, but
> no sigar.
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] plugins]# more hs_err_pid25965.log
>> Unexpected Signal : 4 occurred at PC=0x2A95D68D2B
> Signal 4 is SIGILL -- illegal instruction.  You are hitting x86_64
> machine code that the Intel chip can't swallow.

Yes, it's caused by a 3DNow! prefetch instruction.  EMT64T doesn't
support 3DNow!  The next 1.4.2 release (available in one or two days)
fixes that.


Juergen Kreileder, Blackdown Java-Linux Team

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