I tried to diagnosticate it further, but I didn't get far. The error message
is just "Illegal instruction", and the only param I found that doesn't cause
it is "-help" (even "-version" and "-verbose" trigger it). Of course, it appears
only if I copy bin/armv4l and bin/armv4l to /bin/armv5tel and /bin/armv5tel
(otherwise it can't find libjava.so - I tried symlinking too).
  I tried to edit the "java" script and hardcoded armv4l, but without the
duplicated /bin/armv5tel and lib/armv5tel it gave the following error
(it must call uname -a somewhere else too):
#java -version
exec: 37: /usr/local/j2re1.3.1/bin/../bin/armv5tel/realpath: not found
/usr/local/j2re1.3.1/bin/java: 68: /bin/realpath: not found
/usr/local/j2re1.3.1/bin/java: 69: /bin/realpath: not found
grep: /lib/jvm.cfg: No such file or directory
grep: /lib/jvm.cfg: No such file or directory
/usr/local/j2re1.3.1/bin/java: 132: /bin/realpath: not found
java was not found in /bin/armv4l/native_threads/java
  Too bad a decent piece of software such as blackdown
has already become unusable on linux/ARM...

Dominic Duval <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What's the illegal instruction about? Is it showing anything else? The
1.3.1 release runs fine on the PXA255, but I've never tried it on the 270...
On Fri, 2005-05-27 at 22:07 -0700, linux pc wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I'm trying to run blackdown from j2re-1.3.1-RC1-linux-arm.tar.bz2 on
> an xscale pxa270. I've followed the install instructions (unarchive,
> set path) and then duplicated bin/armv4 and lib/armv4 into
> bin/armv5tel and lib/armv5tel to get rid of "Error: can't find
> libjava.so." problem ("uname -m" returns armv5tel instead of armv4).
> But now I get an Illegal instruction each time I try to run "java" -
> could it be a difference between pxa270 and pxa255 (which i saw people
> run blackdown on) that causes this? (also saw an issue in the
> bugtracker about this but it was for an older version/i386)

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