 I am running an application on system having 32GB RAM and of 64 bit 
architecture in Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 3 (Taroon).
  The program would build a model from a large input file "train.arff".
 The command I am using as:
 java -Xss5g -Xmx5g -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps 
weka.classifiers.functions.MultilayerPerceptron -t train.arff -d model
 The program is running since 8-10 hours and its not crashing neither it is 
generating the model. It is generating the GC output like
 5481.444: [GC 5481.444: [DefNew: 644672K->80509K(725184K), 0.6994480 secs] 
1561522K->1321698K(2336480K), 0.6996100 secs]
 5511.990: [GC 5511.991: [DefNew: 725181K->80507K(725184K), 0.6670090 secs] 
1966370K->1642470K(2336480K), 0.6671440 secs]
 5525.390: [GC 5525.390: [DefNew: 725173K->80509K(725184K), 2.8566000 
secs]5528.247: [Tenured: 2084314K->986867K(2084384K), 7.4814160 secs] 
2287136K->986867K(2809568K), 10.3582090 secs]
 5561.876: [GC 5561.876: [DefNew: 657920K->82236K(740160K), 0.8334260 secs] 
1644787K->1431620K(2384944K), 0.8335680 secs]
 5592.279: [GC 5592.279: [DefNew: 740156K->82236K(740160K), 1.3097720 
secs]5593.589: [Tenured: 1766389K->992572K(1766512K), 7.8476160 secs] 
2089540K->992572K(2506672K), 9.1627900 secs]
 5631.679: [GC 5631.679: [DefNew: 661824K->82681K(744512K), 0.7424000 secs] 
1654396K->1417559K(2398800K), 0.7425390 secs]
 5641.293: [GC 5641.293: [DefNew: 744505K->82675K(744512K), 1.7965000 
secs]5643.090: [Tenured: 1889028K->936375K(1889040K), 8.3549570 secs] 
2079383K->936375K(2633552K), 10.1621330 secs]
 If I provide less memory the program ends up with OutOfMemoryError.
  Can anybody suggest me if I am allocating wrong memory to the application.
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