ola pessoal,
estou pegando este programa, pois ainda nao conheco direito mas parece ser
bacana para trabalhar com java. deem uma busca na palavra java pra ficar
mais facil, porque o texto eh um pouco extenso.

espero q seja util.

Visual SlickEdit 
Visual SlickEdit, the award-winning editor from MicroEdge, Inc. increases
development productivity, and improves software quality. It supports most
languages out of the box and is extendable to support your favorite
language as well. Powerful features include: Context Tagging™, Dynamic
Difference Editing™, FTP Support, a Class Browser, Dynamic Tagging and a
Code Beautifier! With a multi-platform presence and integration with
industry leading development environments, Visual SlickEdit provides an
entire organization with a standard coding environment. 

Context Tagging™    
Performs expression type, scope, and inheritance analysis, on your code,
even as you type. Context Tagging features work with your source code, not
just standard APIs. The Context Tagging feature set includes: Auto List
Members, Auto Function Help and Context Navigation and Preview. Languages
supported include: C/C++, Java, JavaScript, HTML, Perl, PV- Wave, Delphi,
InstallScript, Ada, Cobol, OO/Cobol and Visual SlickEdit's own Slick-C. 

Auto List Members 
Automatically lists members when you type a member access operator ('.' for
C++/Java, or '->' for C/C++). When you type the member access operator,
Visual SlickEdit will analyze the context in order to list the members and
inherited members of the current object. Like Visual Basic, the list is
presented in an unobtrusive modeless dialog and the focus remains in the
editor. As you continue to type, the characters are inserted after the
member access operator and the list is incrementally searched for a member
match. You can also view comments for symbols with the same name. 

Auto Function Help 
Automatically displays the prototype for a function when a function
operator ( '(' for most languages) is typed and highlights the current
argument within the displayed prototype, as well as, function comments. 

Symbol References and Uses    
Dynamically updated references for Java, C/C++, COBOL, Slick-C, Ada,
Delphi, and InstallScript. References tab on the Output toolbar,
next/previous reference hot keys, and context menu item for querying
references for the symbol at the cursor. 

C-style preprocessing for Java (Visual J++ support)    

Javadoc comments    
Displayed in built-in HTML browser with hyperlink text support. 

Context Tag Navigation and Preview 
Source code context is automatically analyzed so you can quickly navigate
to the definition of an identifier, including local and global variables,
class members, and functions. In addition, a dockable symbol output window
utilizes context information to preview the definition of the identifier
currently under the cursor. 

JavaDoc Editor    
Supports Java, C, C++ and Slick-C. 

Javamake command for compiling all java files in a project based on

Organize your work into a neat package. All you have to do is tell us which
files are in your project, the working directory, and how to build the
project. Projects facilitate other Visual SlickEdit features like the Class
Browser and Dynamic Tagging. 

Seamlessly open a Visual C++ workspace. Multiple projects may be defined in
a workspace and projects can be shared between other workspaces.
Dependencies may be defined between projects in a single workspace allowing
a more sophisticated build process. 

Support for projects with multiple language file types 
For example, Context Tagging now works when you have a mix of C/C++ and
Assembly source files in the same workspace. 

Relative workspace and project files 
Allows you to easily relocate your workspace, project, and source files. 

Visual SlickEdit's set of file differencing tools. Used to merge changes
from one version of a file to another, or help you determine what changes
have been made to a file. You can difference two files, two directories, or
two source trees. 

Dynamic Difference Editing™ - Easily view differences between two files.
You may then continue your editing session and intra-line differences are
color coded even as you type*. 

Generate a list of different files 
Automatic directory mapping 
Save/restore multi-file results 
Dialog box history (wildcards, paths, file specifications) 
Select and operate on multiple files in a directory tree. You can also
exclude entire directories from a diff. 
Option available to diff an open file with the copy on disk when Visual
SlickEdit detects that another application has modified the file. 
*Intra-line Differencing - All edits done within the Diff dialog box are
rediffed so you see the new intra-line differences instantly. While working
inside the Diff dialog box you retain the power of undo, copy/paste, syntax
expansion/indenting, SmartPaste™, Auto List Members, Auto Function Help and

FTP Client    
Transparently open and save FTP files from the FTP Open tab, or simply
upload, download and perform file management from the FTP Client. Supports
recursive FTP directory operations. 

Supported Platforms 
Windows NT/98/95, Sun Solaris, Sun OS, Linux, HP-UX, IBM-AIX, SGI-IRIX,
Tru64 (Digital) UNIX, SCO and OS/390. Visual SlickEdit looks and behaves
the same across all supported platforms, providing users with a standard
coding environment. 

Supported Development Environments 
Visual SlickEdit supports a variety of development environments. The user
can run a make or compile from within Visual SlickEdit and the error
messages are automatically processed. Supported development environments
include, but are not limited to : Visual C++, Visual Basic, Visual J++,
Visual Café, C++ Builder, JBuilder, Watcom C++, Optima++, Visual Age,
Tornado and PV Wave. 

Language Support 
Visual SlickEdit is fully extensible and supports most popular languages
out of the box with Syntax Expansion and Indenting, Color Coding, and
Dynamic Tagging, just to name a few features. Supported languages include:
C, C++, Java, Visual Basic, HTML, Perl, AWK, Pascal/Delphi, PL-SQL,
Transact SQL, Fortran, dBASE, Modula-2, Assembly, Cobol Ada and PV-Wave,
PL/I, JCL, OS/390 Assembler and IDL. 

If the language you use is not listed here, you can easily teach Visual
SlickEdit a new language. 

Supported Version Control 
Visual SlickEdit supports check-in and check-out with the following version
control packages: PVCS, SourceSafe, ClearCase, SCCS, TLIB and RCS. It is
also easy to add new version control support. 

Additional Features 

Dynamic Tagging - Maintain a database of functions and/or methods for your
source files, and indicate the function you are currently editing. Files
are automatically re-tagged when they are added to a project, saved, or an
idle time threshold is reached. 

Smart Paste™ - Pasted or dropped source code is automatically re-indented
to the correct indentation level. 

C/C++/Java/HTML Beautifier    
Beautify your entire file or selected lines. Reformat source code to your
brace and indenting style. Great for legacy code. 

Syntax Expansion and Indenting - Type part of a keyword and have the entire
construct expanded out when you press the spacebar. Hitting ENTER
automatically puts the cursor at the correct indent level. 

API Apprentice - Visual SlickEdit’s API Apprentice helps you construct
complex or hard-to- remember API function calls by showing you a dialog box
that allows you to easily choose all of the arguments. 

Selective Display - Display only function headings, lines with/without
search strings, lines your compiler sees after preprocessing, collapse the
current code block, or collapse all comments. 

Begin-End Structure Matching - Place your cursor on an opening or closing
brace/paren, then go to "Tools", "Match Paren" and your cursor jumps to the
matching brace/paren. 

3 Way Merge Editing - Take the original version of a file, and two separate
revisions and merge both sets of changes back into one file. 

Color Coding - Visual SlickEdit allows you to combine current line
coloring, modified line coloring, and language specific coloring. Languages
with specific support already defined (i.e. keywords, comments, etc.) use
language specific coloring. When modified line coloring is on, inserted
lines are displayed in one color, and changed lines are displayed in another. 

Hex Editing - You can also edit in "Hex" mode. 

Multi-file Search and Replace - Search and replace across any number of
files or directories. Multi-file searching now highlights the words found
and provides commands for find next/previous. Supports Unix and Brief
regular expressions. 

Customizable Dockable Toolbars - Toolbars can be docked to the left, right,
top, and bottom, or free floating. You can also modify or create your own

Spell Checking 

Smart HTML spell checking - Spell checks text and ignores HTML tags and
Multi-file spell checking - Optionally recurses subdirectories. 
Spell check only comments and strings in source code. 
Alias Facility - Visual SlickEdit's alias facility has two major benefits.
One benefit is directory aliases, which save you from having to type in
long path names when you are prompted for a filename or directory. The
other is defining extension specific aliases which extend or modify syntax
expansion (templates expanded when you press space bar). Aliases are
expanded (completed) when you press space bar. See the Alias Facility
examples for more detail. 

Macro Recording - Visual SlickEdit macro recording allows the editor to
quickly "memorize" a series of actions and then play them back at will. It
even generates Slick-C macro source code. 

Search/Replace - Search/Replace supports UNIX and Brief regular expressions
as well as searching by language context (i.e. keywords, comments, strings,

Multiple Clipboard Support - Never lose a clipboard. The last 15 clipboards
are maintained by default. 

Emulation - Visual SlickEdit offers users Visual C++, CUA, Brief, Emacs,
and vi emulation. 

Print Preview and Printing Schemes    

Tamer Americo - Conselho Federal de Medicina - CFM 
Analista de Sistemas - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - ICQ:3221276

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