Eu achei um exemplo na rede de FTP... Essa classe abre a conexao com o servidor e faz 
upload de um
arquivo de cada vez...

Espero que isso lhe ajude...

Um abraco,

Javaneando wrote:

> Oi,
>    preciso urgente de uma classe de exemplo (fazFTP)
>    que abre uma conexao ftp com um site qualquer,
>    informa usuario e senha, lista os arquivos do
>    servidor, muda o diretorio, faz um get e um
>    delete!
>    Será que eu vou ter que usar sockets para
>    fazer isto?
>    Não existe algo tipo java.net.ftpconnection não?
>    Se alguém me mandar um exemplo eu agradeço.
> Brigadao
> Yahoo! GeoCities
> Tenha seu lugar na Web. Construa hoje mesmo sua home page no Yahoo! GeoCities. É 
>fácil e grátis!
> http://br.geocities.yahoo.com/
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> http://www.soujava.org.br  -  Sociedade de Usuários Java da Sucesu-SP
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> para sair da lista: envie email para [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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// **************************** Security Warning! ************************
//   This is a serious warning, and you need to pay attention to it.
//   To work, this program needs you to put your ftp password into the
//   code as a String.  This is only appropriate on an Intranet or when 
//   the applet is on a page to which access is otherwise controlled.
//   A malicious person could access the applet class file and easily
//   retrieve YOUR password.  Then they would have access to your ftp
//   account.  They could add, delete, or change files.  They could even
//   change the password.  That would be very bad for you.
//   Giving away your password is frequently not allowed by the terms of
//   your account provider.   Do NOT use this program unless you are 
//   authorized to pass on your ftp password, and you are able to firewall
//   the ftp account or otherwise protect against intrusion.   One thing
//   you could do is have a very small ftp area, and only allow existing
//   files to be appended (for example).
//   Creating an applet with this program is like publishing your password
//   to anyone who can access the applet class file.
//   If you still want to proceed, it is at your own risk.
// **************************** Security Warning! ************************
//   Usage:
//    to upload a file:  
//          MyFTP ftp = new MyFTP( <servername>, <user>, <password> );
//          ftp.upload( <directory>, <filename>, <contents of file> );
//    to download a file:  
//          MyFTP ftp = new MyFTP( <servername>, <user>, <password> );
//          String contents = ftp.download( <directory>, <filename> );
//          the default is ASCII transfer, an overloaded method does bin.
//   NOTE: This code was adapted from the LinLyn class available at
//   http://www.afu.com. I added overloaded methods for buffered file i/o.
//   See the main method for examples. RMK

import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.util.*;

public class MyFTP {

        // FOR INITIAL DEBUGGING: set the variable to "true"
        private boolean DEBUG = true;

        private static final int CNTRL_PORT = 21;
        private Socket csock = null;
        private Socket dsock = null;
        private DataInputStream dcis;
        private PrintStream pos;

        // constructor needs servername, username and passwd
        public MyFTP(String server, String user, String pass) {
                try { 
                        ftpLogin(user, pass);
                } catch(IOException ioe) {ioe.printStackTrace();}
        public String download(String dir, String file) throws IOException { 
                return download(dir, file, true); 
        public String download(String dir, String file, boolean asc)
                throws IOException {
                dsock = ftpGetDataSock();
                InputStream is = dsock.getInputStream();
                ftpSendCmd("RETR "+file);               
                String contents = getAsString(is);
                return contents;
        // this is the buffered version
        public void download(String dir, String file, boolean asc, String dest) throws 
Exception {
                int BUFSIZE = 1000;
                byte[] buf = new byte[BUFSIZE];
                int i;
                if (DEBUG) {
                        System.out.println("Downloading " + file);
                dsock = ftpGetDataSock();
                BufferedInputStream in = new 
BufferedInputStream(dsock.getInputStream(), BUFSIZE);
                FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(dest);
                ftpSendCmd("RETR "+file);
                while ((i = in.read(buf)) != -1) {
                        out.write(buf, 0, i);
        private void ftpConnect(String server)
                throws IOException {
                // Set up socket, control streams, connect to ftp server
                // Open socket to server control port 21
                csock = new Socket(server, CNTRL_PORT);
                // Open control streams
                InputStream cis = csock.getInputStream();
                dcis =  new DataInputStream(cis);
                OutputStream cos = csock.getOutputStream();
                pos = new PrintStream(cos);

                // handle more than one line returned
                String reply = dcis.readLine();
                String numerals = reply.substring(0, 3);
                String hyph_test = reply.substring(3, 4);
                String next = null;
                if(hyph_test.equals("-")) {
                        boolean done = false;
                        while(!done) { // read lines til find "" -> last line
                                next = dcis.readLine();
                                if(next.substring(0,3).equals(numerals) && 
                                        next.substring(3, 4).equals(" "))
                                        done = true;

           if(numerals.substring(0,3).equals("220")) // ftp server alive
                        ; // System.out.println("Connected to ftp server");
                else System.err.println("Error connecting to ftp server.");
        private Socket ftpGetDataSock()
                throws IOException {
                 // Go to PASV mode, capture server reply, parse for socket setup
                 // V2.1: generalized port parsing, allows more server variations
                String reply = ftpSendCmd("PASV");

                 // New technique: just find numbers before and after ","!
                StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(reply, ",");
                String[] parts = new String[6]; // parts, incl. some garbage
                int i = 0; // put tokens into String array
                while(st.hasMoreElements()) {
                        // stick pieces of host, port in String array
                        try {
                                parts[i] = st.nextToken();
                        } catch(NoSuchElementException nope){nope.printStackTrace();}
                } // end getting parts of host, port

                // Get rid of everything before first "," except digits
                String[] diggies = new String[3];
                for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                        // Get 3 characters, inverse order, check if digit/character
                        diggies[j] = parts[0].substring(parts[0].length() - (j + 1),
                                parts[0].length() - j); // next: digit or character?
                                diggies[j] = "";
                parts[0] = diggies[2] + diggies[1] + diggies[0];
                // Get only the digits after the last ","
                String[] porties = new String[3];
                for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
                        // Get 3 characters, in order, check if digit/character
                        // May be less than 3 characters
                        if((k + 1) <= parts[5].length())
                                porties[k] = parts[5].substring(k, k + 1);
                        else porties[k] = "FOOBAR"; // definitely not a digit!
                        // next: digit or character?
                                        porties[k] = "";
                } // Have to do this one in order, not inverse order
                parts[5] = porties[0] + porties[1] + porties[2];
                // Get dotted quad IP number first
                String ip = parts[0]+"."+parts[1]+"."+parts[2]+"."+parts[3];

                // Determine port
                int port = -1;
                try { // Get first part of port, shift by 8 bits.
                        int big = Integer.parseInt(parts[4]) << 8;
                        int small = Integer.parseInt(parts[5]);
                        port = big + small; // port number
                } catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {nfe.printStackTrace();}
                if((ip != null) && (port != -1))
                        dsock = new Socket(ip, port);
                else throw new IOException();
                return dsock;
        private void ftpLogin(String user, String pass)
                throws IOException {
                ftpSendCmd("USER "+user);
                ftpSendCmd("PASS "+pass);
        private void ftpLogout() {// logout, close streams
                try { 
                   if(DEBUG) System.out.println("sending BYE");
                        pos.print("BYE" + "\r\n" );
                } catch(IOException ioe) {ioe.printStackTrace();}
        private String ftpSendCmd(String cmd)
                throws IOException
        { // This sends a dialog string to the server, returns reply
          // V2.0 Updated to parse multi-string responses a la RFC 959
          // Prints out only last response string of the lot.
                pos.print(cmd + "\r\n" );
        String reply = dcis.readLine();
        String numerals = reply.substring(0, 3);
        String hyph_test = reply.substring(3, 4);
        String next = null;
        if(hyph_test.equals("-")) {
                boolean done = false;
                while(!done) { // read lines til find "" -> last line
                        next = dcis.readLine();
                        if(next.substring(0,3).equals(numerals) && 
                                next.substring(3, 4).equals(" "))
                                done = true;
                        System.out.println("Response to: "+cmd+" was: "+next);
                        return next;
                } else
                                System.out.println("Response to: "+cmd+" was: "+reply);
                return reply;
        private void ftpSetDir(String dir)
                throws IOException { 
                // cwd to dir
                ftpSendCmd("CWD "+dir);
        private void ftpSetTransferType(boolean asc)
                throws IOException {
                // set file transfer type
                String ftype = (asc? "A" : "I");
                ftpSendCmd("TYPE "+ftype);
        ///////////////// private fields ////////////////////
        private String getAsString(InputStream is) {
                int c=0;
                char lineBuffer[]=new char[128], buf[]=lineBuffer;
                int room= buf.length, offset=0;
                try {
                  loop: while (true) {
                          // read chars into a buffer which grows as needed
                                  switch (c = is.read() ) {
                                          case -1: break loop;

                                          default: if (--room < 0) {
                                                                   buf = new 
char[offset + 128];
                                                                   room = buf.length - 
offset - 1;
System.arraycopy(lineBuffer, 0, 
 buf, 0, offset);
                                                                   lineBuffer = buf;
                                                           buf[offset++] = (char) c;
                } catch(IOException ioe) {ioe.printStackTrace();}
                if ((c == -1) && (offset == 0)) {
                        return null;
                return String.copyValueOf(buf, 0, offset);
        // main method for testing purposes
        public static void main(String args[]) {
                MyFTP ftp;
                String host = "Enter ftp hostname here";
                String username = "Enter username here";        
                String password = "Enter password here";
                boolean ascii = true;
                boolean binary = false;
                try {
                        // download one ascii file
                        //ftp = new MyFTP(host, username, password);
                        //ftp.download("", "index.html", ascii, 
                        // download one binary file
                        //ftp = new MyFTP(host, username, password);
                        //ftp.download("mcgraw-hill", "ch01.zip", binary, 
                        // upload one ascii file
                        //ftp = new MyFTP(host, username, password);
                        //ftp.upload("", "test.html", new File("E:\\temp\\test.html"), 
                        // upload one binary file
                        ftp = new MyFTP(host, username, password);
                        ftp.upload("", "test.zip", new File("E:\\temp\\test.zip"), 
                } catch (Exception e) {
        // this is the buffered version used in the agent
        public void upload(String dir, String filename, File file, boolean asc) 
        throws Exception {
                int BUFSIZE = 1000;
                byte[] buf = new byte[BUFSIZE];
                dsock = ftpGetDataSock();
                OutputStream os = dsock.getOutputStream();
                BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(os);
                FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file);
                ftpSendCmd("STOR "+filename);
                int i;
                while ((i = in.read(buf)) != -1) {
                        out.write(buf, 0, i);
        public void upload(String dir, String file, String what)
                throws IOException { upload(dir, file, what, true); }
        public void upload(String dir, String file, String what, boolean asc)
                throws IOException {
                dsock = ftpGetDataSock();
                OutputStream os = dsock.getOutputStream();
                DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(os);
                ftpSendCmd("STOR "+file);
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