Hi All

I have writen some code to get all URLs from a HTTP stream,

1, /video/Home is called its a servlet.
2, /video/Home loads the top.html file and pipes it to the browser
3, the pipe finds each href= within the stream and strips out the
4, the URL can then be rewritten and the stream put back together.

what the pipe returns is the line from the input html file stream 
split into 3 parts "beginOfLine", "URL", "endOfLine" in a Vector.

I then do this

out.println((String)line.elementAt(0)); /* begin line */
//rewrite the URL
out.println((String)line.elementAt(2)); /* end line */

to rewrite the URL & send to the browser.

I'm using Apache with WebSphere 2.03 but then I look at the AppServer it
says that
the server is using cookies and not URL rewrites! even with no cookies
allowed on the
Browser it just generates a new session with each page. 

I can do my own session tracking like this by doing

out.println((String)line.elementAt(0)); /* begin line */
        "?sessionID="+mysessionID+"\""); /* rewrite the URL single param*/
        "&sessionID="+mysessionID+"\""); /* rewrite the URL extra param */

out.println((String)line.elementAt(2)); /* end line */

and tracking the session in a DB ... tedious ... 
but it does work, it uses lots of resources. 

I tried the mod_rewrite module from apache but I couldn't get it to work
with session tracking. 

has anyone seen this done?  

has anyone got the mod_rewrite apache module working with session data?

If anyone would like my (very verginal) code for this I could send it?

does anyone wish to work with me to write some thing to do this?

does anyone know an API already around to do this?

questions questions questions!!!

sorry if this is too long.....


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