> I hope that helped a little bit
> Regards
> Dieter Wimberger

Yes, your picture was very clear ;))
I'm looking also for a solution for very largescale portals and sites,
with wide range of services, where installing a new a site means only
configuring it, via web, lay it out, etc...

I have three options:
- To buy a solution from any provider. This case I spend a lot of money,
and spend also time to find out, why I can't make that complex case we need.
Forget it.
- To rely something free on net. I'm already using apache and linux,
so it seems good choice. But there isn't anything stable out there now,
and I need the solution today.
- Develop something for myself, using packages found.
This case I have under controll everything, and I can license it for
companies and services ;))
Probably I'm going mad, but this is my coice.
Of course I will work with proggramers, they will do many hard coding,
I just must to build hard bases.

I follow the java apache group, to get more ideas,
but it's somehow not exactly fit's to my needs,
but I'm imported
import org.apache.java.util.Configurable;
import org.apache.java.util.Reconfigurable;
import org.apache.java.util.Configuration;
import org.apache.xerces.parsers.*;
import org.apache.xerces.readers.*;

So I'd like to give back something to the community,
what the community thinks about it?
I have a very (too) early version of a framework model,
which integrates FESI also, to give a toy for dreamweaver designer boys
to play with databases and server side infos, forms, actions, etc.
The general framework will do everything, managing databases, mails, files,
all this with any hosts and layouts, with many different languages.
Seems sometimes hard to imagine to finish with it,
but it's a great idea ;))
At least I can't continue to maintain that all in perl/fcgi ;))

So in this early stage I can give out my sources also,
to check if you are interested in any class.
I said, it's realy early, in few weeks it will be stronger,
but then it will become more confidental ;)))
But if something interesting for you, we can also share it.

Any feedback?


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