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I´m currently developing a Java servlet-based web-
What I would like to do is the following:

Given a couple of servlets (.class-files) I want 
to make a application (maybe another servlet) 
that calls the servlets over and over again for a 
period of time. For every run of a servlet I 
would like to measure and store information (for 
example the execution-time). This test shall be 

My problem is:
How do I call a servlets doPost(...) or doGet
(...)-methods from another servlet? The doPost
(...) and doGet(...) requires a 
HttpServletRequest, witch the normally gets from 
a browser. Can I construct a HttpServletRequest-
object myself? If I can, where can I find that 
information? Is there another way of reciving a 
(Calling the methods USED inside the doGet(...) 
or doPost(..)-methods, of a servlet, is out of 
the question. I WANT this test to be as exact as 
it can be)

Maybe anyone has a better idea of making a 
automated test of a a couple of servlets?

  Henrik Widenfors
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] - The Knowledge Archive

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