On Mon, 8 May 2000, Matt Sales wrote:
MS|  I recently installed JSSI on RH6.0 with Apache1.3.6, Blackdown 1.1.7, and
MS|  JSDK2.0.  It works fine for my <servlet> tags, but my perl cgi scripts
MS|  (notably a banner rotating system) are not running correctly.  Instead of
MS|  being parsed, their entire contents are displayed on the screen. 

I think, you mean the <!--#exec --> command of traditional SSI
(mod_include in apache) ? This isn't implemented in the java SSI stuff
because of security concerns and platform dependence. Either feel free to
implement a ExecTagHandler for the SSI-Servlet (It's easy, this is done
probably in an hour!) or better, implement the banner rotating system as

For the SSI-Tags that are supported, see the documentation of JSSI for


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