EH> Thanks for sharing that!
EH> Would you be interested in donating that to the contrib area for
EH> analyzers?  The topic of normalizing accented characters has come up
EH> often lately.   I noticed you already put the Apache license at the top
EH> of the code.

No problem, it was intended for the sandbox.

EH> When using QueryParser, you can set the default operator, which is
EH> normally OR.  It will handle setting the first (and every) clause 
EH> appropriately.  You'll need to instantiate an instance of QueryParser
EH> to set that flag (see javadocs for details).

Yes, that what i was first thinking of, but they (the end users) wanted
all clauses except the first to be handled by the 'OR' operator.
I'll try to convince them that it will make my (and their) life easier
if the default operator for all clauses is 'AND' ;)



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