On Wednesday 08 June 2005 01:30, Matt Quail wrote:
> On 08/06/2005, at 1:33 AM, Paul Elschot wrote:
> > On Tuesday 07 June 2005 11:42, Matt Quail wrote:
> >
> >> I've been playing around with a custom Query, and I've just realized
> >> that my Scorer is likely to return the same document more then once.
> >> Before I delve a bit further, can anyone tell me if this is this a
> >> Bad Thing?
> >>
> >
> > Normally, yes. A query is expected to provide a single score for
> > each matching document. The Hits class depends on this.
> > One can suppress later 'hits' by using a BitVector.
> Yes, further delving revealed that returning a document multiple  
> times, and returning doc-ids out-of-order, is a bad idea.
> What I'm actually trying to implement is an efficient join between  
> two indices. I'll describe my current strategy, all comments welcome.
> Imagine you have two indices, and they have some field in common.  
> This might often be a "primary key" field, giving you a 1-1  
> relationship between documents in the two indices, but it general it  
> could be any 1-N, N-1 or M-N relationship.
> (Why are there two indices? There could be many reasons, one that was  
> mentioned on this list recently was an ACL index. You could update/ 
> delete/add from the ACL index without having to re-index the  
> "primary" index).
> Lets call the two indices Left and Right. We want to find documents  
> in Left, where leftdoc.leftfield == rightdoc.rightfield, for some set  
> of rightdoc's satisfying some query.
> Here is the pseudo-code for first attempt, which works but is not  
> necessarily that efficient:
> Inputs:
> - leftJoinField name
> - rightJoinField name
> - rightQuery
> 1) Compute a BitSet of all the docids that match the given query in  
> the right, call it rightDocs.
> 2) Create a TermDocs for the left index
> 3) Create a TermEnum and a TermDocs, for iterating through all the  
> <term,docid> pairs in the right index for the rightJoinField
> 4) for each rterm on the right where there is a <rterm, docid> pair  
> that is in rightDocs:
> 4.1) initialize the left termdoc to new Term(leftField, rterm.text())
> 4.2) iterate through those left docs ids for that term. These are our  
> matching left documents
> Consider the case of a 1-1 relationship, where rightDocs just  
> contains one document. Step 4 requires us to iterate through all the  
> terms on the rightJoinField (effectively, all the documents), just to  
> find the term corresponding to that one document This is not very  
> efficient. For a small number of rightDocs (for some value of  
> 'small'), it would be better to iterate through the Documents, and  
> extract the (stored) term that way.
> However, for a large number of rightDocs, the "bitset" approach in  
> the above algorithm might be better.
> In my second attempt, I might choose between the bitset and extract- 
> document approach, depending on some threshold.
> One cute thing you might be able to do with the extract-document  
> approach is to actually use a Hits object (or HitCollector), which  
> gives you a score for each document. You could feed this score into  
> the join by returning the left documents via a custom Query/Scorer.  
> (okay, I agree this might be troublesome to implement efficiently.)
> Any comments? Has anyone ever attempted something similar?

Using Hits for this is probably not a good idea.
Have a look at the very recent thread on the fastest way to fetch
N documents with unique keys within large numbers of indexes.

Paul Elschot

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