On Jun 18, 2005, at 7:39 PM, Paul Libbrecht wrote:
I read the lucene-book about scoring and read a bit of the javadoc but I can't seem to find somewhere expectations of the bouds for the score value. I had believe the score would end up between 0 and 1 but I seem to keep having values under 0.2. It may be due to my special requests but... how can I be sure of this ?

Hits from all non-HitCollector searches are "normalized". Normalized in this sense means that if the top-scoring document scores higher than 1.0 it is normalized to 1.0 and that ratio is used to normalize all scores. However, if the top-scoring document is under 1.0, the scores are left as-is.

Searches using a HitCollector are always left as-is.

Have a look at IndexSearcher.explain() results for document/query combinations to see what is causing the lower than expected scores.


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