On Jun 29, 2005, at 1:12 AM, Xing Li wrote:
1) Downloaded 1.4.3 src
2) ran ant... everything builds
3) $ cd builds
4) $ java -jar lucene-1.5-rc1-dev.jar
Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from
I haven't build anything java for almost 5 years so not sure what
it means. Did a good search online on the error and it just
confused me even further.
Make sure you run "ant dist" so that everything gets built. There are
demo source files that do basic things like index and search files.
Add the lucene-demos jar to your classpath, (or specify on your
command line) then run:
java org.apache.lucene.demo.IndexFiles <directory containing your
files to index>
I'd recommend the "Lucene In Action" book, I found it very helpful
for getting started.
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