On Jun 30, 2005, at 4:35 PM, markharw00d wrote:

Hi Erik,
Yes I was thinking that code could form the basis of a new highlighter.

I've just attached a QuerySpansExtractor to the bugzilla entry for the new highlighter. This class produces Spans from queries other than SpanXxxxQueries eg phrase, term and booleans. I'm thinking you can throw the text to be highligted as a single doc into a MemIndex , extracts the spans using the QuerySpansExtractor and the MemIndex's reader (need to expose a getReader method on this - I'm working on it), then use some new highlighting logic on the Spans.

Sound reasonable?

I think so.

One minor issue... a SpanNearQuery is not entirely equal to a PhraseQuery when there is slop involved. You have this:

SpanNearQuery sp = new SpanNearQuery(clauses,query.getSlop (),false);

Here's a test from Lucene in Action that demonstrates:

public void testSpanNearQuery() throws Exception {
  SpanQuery[] quick_brown_dog =
      new SpanQuery[]{quick, brown, dog};
  SpanNearQuery snq =
      new SpanNearQuery(quick_brown_dog, 0, true);
  snq = new SpanNearQuery(quick_brown_dog, 4, true);
  snq = new SpanNearQuery(quick_brown_dog, 5, true);

  // interesting - even a sloppy phrase query would require
  // more slop to match
  snq = new SpanNearQuery(new SpanQuery[]{lazy, fox}, 3, false);

  PhraseQuery pq = new PhraseQuery();
  pq.add(new Term("f", "lazy"));
  pq.add(new Term("f", "fox"));


So to be entirely accurate, an offset will be needed to get SpanNearQuery to match PhraseQuery, though I have a feeling (I'm not thinking through the details at the moment) that there is an edge case or two that is not compatible. A PhraseQuery with slop of 1, for example - can a SpanNearQuery be set up to match that exactly? I don't think so... a PhraseQuery with slop of 1 cannot match in reverse order, only in order with an optional hole between terms.

But, I like the idea of highlighting spans by converting other query types to get the Spans.


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